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How to work hard, the right way?

hard work, man taking rock on his back

I know, I know, I know that “hard work” is very important to be successful because this is what I have heard while growing up and I am sure you must have heard the same. This little phrase has been iterated so many times that I believed that this would come naturally to me. I was taught that “hard work” is really essential but I was never trained on “how to do it?”.

So, over the years as I gained maturity, I was expecting that this trait of working hard is innate and there would be no requirement of an additional ideation. As time passed, I gradually realized that something was just not right with my current mechanism. I thought that the whole concept of this hard work would be exciting, something which would give me an adrenaline rush, exactly like the way portrayed in movies.

To some degree what I thought would be “so-happening”, started to pose a challenge. What challenge?

Hard Work is not what is shown in movies.

It took me many years to realize that there are certain facets that need to be revealed.

If it’s exciting, it will be boring too.

It will be soothing, but bothering too.

You will crave to work on your goal, but you will want to quit it too.

It is not as complex as it appears. The biggest irony to get started with working hard is that to begin is extremely simple. That realization in itself is tough to digest, for many of us.

I know you are in a dilemma. Don’t worry. Here is a step-by-step guide to know “HOW TO WORK HARD, the right way?”


I agree that this is something you already know. But still, I want you to continue reading this, because somewhere you are not going right.

You are completely determined to start working on your new project but, either you don’t feel like beginning, or even if you muster up the courage to begin you feel everything is messed up. Don’t worry, you are not the only one.

We love to follow what a monkey does. Jump Jump Jump!!

Apologies for disappointing you, but our brain is programmed in a very different way. It expects us to be specific, it wants us to tell it in “detail” what we need.

Just a simple change in your plans, if you are desperate to incorporate physical activity in your routine, be specific with it. Intimate your brain about what will it be, when will it be done, how are you planning to start, and some other details.

Otherwise, it will be as if, you want to become an astronaut without knowing physics.


You need to understand that the initial stages of anything are easy and it is for a reason. You have to prepare your mind gradually to adapt to the new change. It is just like tempting a toddler with chocolate but, feeding him with that bitter syrup (for his well-being).

But, let’s just agree, that we are too impatient to follow those easy steps patiently. These steps are in fact, the most imperative stage because they set your foundation.

Here’s the key. The more you enjoy the beginner stage, the more curious you will become to continue that journey.

When you restlessly skip those steps to go faster, you are in a way killing your curiosity which will be the driving factor in the long run.


Well, friction is a necessary evil.

When you keep on moving ahead “step-by-step”, the journey will definitely get tougher.

Remember our math's books? The initial questions were easy but progressively the difficulty level used to increase.

The only thing we need to remember is to, not get intimidated and stop. If the level of the questions is increasing so is our ability to solve them. Obviously, it’s easier said than done, but when that fear is channeled in the right way, every question seems solvable.

If at any given point in time, when you are facing a problem in moving ahead or you are stuck in the middle of a problem, just tap your back because it is a sign that you are doing something in life.

Every problem has a solution, sometimes it comes in handy but, many times you need to push yourself. That requires continuous effort.


Efforts require time to turn into results. You need to do it every day, consistently for them to transition from hard work to success.

You have to show up every day irrespective of whatever is going on in your life. No matter how messed up it may be, your presence in the field in any given circumstance will be worthwhile.

Once you witness the outcome of your hard work, either you can just touch and taste that success by stopping working OR you can stay at the top by continuing working the way you were with leveling up your hard work.

We often have the misconception that “work hard now, and rest in the future”, but if you want the results to sustain your efforts should be persistent.

After all this, you must be thinking that I must have everything sorted up, right?

Well, you are absolutely wrong!

Don’t be angry, I have never claimed to be virtuous, you see.

My relationship with consistency too, has an equal number of speed breakers as you, but I have decided not to stop this time.

What about you??


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